Privacy Policy

Before accepting this agreement, please carefully read the entire content of this agreement. If you do not agree to any content of this agreement, please do not proceed with subsequent operations. By using or otherwise accessing AirPhoto, you acknowledge and accept the practices and policies outlined in this privacy statement.

AirPhoto User Service Agreement

Article 1. Purpose of Agreement

1.1. This agreement is formulated to standardize the business order of AirPhoto, clarify the rights and obligations of AirPhoto users and AirPhoto, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties.

Article 3. Effectiveness and Scope of Application of the Agreement

3.1. By clicking to confirm on the platform page or choosing to accept this agreement in other ways, you indicate that you have reached an agreement with AirPhoto and agreed to accept all the agreed content of this agreement. This agreement takes effect from the moment you click to confirm and remains in effect during your use of AirPhoto services.

3.2. The content of this agreement includes the main text of the agreement, annexes, and all kinds of rules, operation procedures, and codes of conduct that AirPhoto has issued or may issue in the future and notify you seven days in advance through reasonable channels. AirPhoto has the right to adjust the content of this agreement and related rules by means of modification and update. The relevant content will be announced on the website or notified to you in other ways. Unless you expressly notify AirPhoto that you are unwilling to accept the adjusted content, otherwise the adjusted content will take effect for you seven days after the announcement.

Article 4. Definitions

4.1. AirPhoto: A photo and album organizing tool.

4.2. AirPhoto user: Refers to users who enjoy AirPhoto services.

Article 5. Your Commitments and Guarantees

6.1. You promise to abide by all the rules, norms and procedures of AirPhoto that have been publicly announced or will be publicly announced.

6.2. AirPhoto users shall independently bear the legal responsibility of this agreement. If the AirPhoto user is under 18 years old, the AirPhoto user promises that their registration of AirPhoto has obtained the consent of their legal guardian or is registered on their behalf by their legal guardian. If the AirPhoto user is unable to independently bear the legal responsibility of this agreement, the corresponding legal responsibility shall be borne by their legal guardian.

6.3. You need to ensure that you have legal rights or effective and complete authorization for the content you post on AirPhoto. You should not violate the legitimate rights and interests of others such as portrait rights, reputation rights, intellectual property rights, and privacy rights, nor will you violate the legitimate rights and interests such as trade secrets of legal persons or other groups. In case of disputes, AirPhoto has the right to directly and immediately delete the content and require you to compensate for all losses.

6.4. Your remarks, published information, and actions on AirPhoto should comply with national laws and regulations and not violate any legitimate rights and interests of AirPhoto, AirPhoto's affiliated companies or any other third-party entities. In case of disputes, AirPhoto has the right to directly delete relevant information and immediately terminate this agreement unilaterally and require you to compensate for all losses.

6.5. You are aware and understand that there are greater risks of personal and property safety and transaction disputes in face-to-face transactions. In case of disputes and risks arising from face-to-face transactions, AirPhoto users shall bear the responsibility on their own.

6.6. You must not post malicious content on AirPhoto, including comments and product information, and it is prohibited to launch personal attacks on anyone. Once discovered, AirPhoto has the right to delete malicious content and ban the attacking account.

Article 7. AirPhoto Services

Our company has the right to formulate and adjust service fees and payment conditions, but will issue a notice or announcement at least 30 days in advance. The AirPhoto platform will notify you through online announcements or telecommunications. In case of overdue accounts, the AirPhoto platform has the right to suspend or terminate the corresponding paid services and terminate the connection between the account and the service.

Article 8. Collection of User Personal Information

8.1. We may receive and store any information you submit to the application.

8.2. Whenever you interact with AirPhoto, we will receive and store certain types of usage-related information. For example, AirPhoto may automatically receive and record information about your computer's IP address, browser information, and visited URLs.

8.3. AirPhoto uses the information described in this privacy statement internally to analyze, develop, and improve products and services.

Article 9. Protection of User Personal Information

9.1. Protecting user personal information is a basic principle of AirPhoto. AirPhoto will take reasonable measures to protect user personal information. Except in cases provided by laws and regulations, AirPhoto will not disclose user personal information to third parties without user permission. AirPhoto uses professional encryption storage and transmission methods to ensure the security of user personal information.

9.2. During the process of registering an account or using this service, you need to provide some necessary information. For example, to provide you with account registration services or for user identity verification, you need to fill in your mobile phone number. If there are special provisions in national laws and regulations or policies, you need to provide real identity information. If the information you provide is incomplete, you will not be able to use this service or will be restricted in use.

9.3. Under normal circumstances, you can browse and modify the information you submitted at any time. However, for considerations of security and identity verification, you may not be able to modify the initial registration information and other verification information provided at registration.

9.4. AirPhoto will use various security technologies and procedures to establish a perfect management system to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

9.5. Without your consent, AirPhoto will not disclose your personal information to any company, organization, or individual other than AirPhoto, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

Article 10. Prohibition of Commercial Bribery

10.1. You must not provide any form of improper benefits to the employees and consultants of AirPhoto and its affiliated enterprises. If so, regardless of whether you actually obtain benefits, AirPhoto has the right to immediately terminate this contract and require you to compensate AirPhoto for the total amount of any form of improper benefits provided.

Article 11. Disclaimer and Limited Liability

11.1. The AirPhoto services under this agreement will be provided in the "as is" and "as available" states. AirPhoto will do its best to provide corresponding security measures based on existing technologies to ensure service safety and normal operation. However, due to factors such as possible computer viruses, network communication failures, system maintenance, and possible force majeure events, AirPhoto hereby expressly states that it does not provide any express or implied warranties for the service, including but not limited to the applicability of the service, absence of errors or omissions, continuity, accuracy, reliability, and suitability for a particular purpose.

11.2. AirPhoto reserves the right to change, interrupt, or terminate certain services. For issues such as data loss of AirPhoto users caused by service adjustments, AirPhoto does not bear any responsibility.

11.3. The signing of this agreement and your successful registration do not mean that AirPhoto bears any express or implied guarantee or surety responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy, legality, and validity of your registration identity, qualifications, performance ability, services, or information and works submitted by you on your own through uploading, publishing, or submitting. AirPhoto also has no obligation to participate in any dispute resolution activities related to transactions. For any complaints, disputes, controversies, compensations, etc. caused by your actions, you should independently bear all legal responsibilities in your own name.

11.4. You understand and agree that AirPhoto has the right to disclose your personal information on this site to third parties (including but not limited to logged-in mobile phone numbers, identity information, friend lists, and text message records) under the following circumstances, and AirPhoto does not bear any legal responsibility for this:

Article 12. Intellectual Property

12.1. You can use, browse, and run AirPhoto on mobile Internet devices.

12.2. All copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights of AirPhoto and its software, as well as all information content related to AirPhoto, including but not limited to: textual expressions and their combinations, icons, decorations, charts, colors, interface designs, layout frameworks, relevant data, printed materials, or electronic documents, etc., are protected by the copyright law, trademark law, patent law, anti-unfair competition law and corresponding international treaties and other intellectual property laws and regulations. Except for software or technologies authorized by third parties, AirPhoto enjoys the above intellectual property rights. Without the written consent of AirPhoto, you shall not independently implement, use, transfer, or license any third party to implement, use, or transfer the above intellectual property rights for any for-profit or non-profit purpose. AirPhoto reserves the right to pursue the above unlicensed acts.

12.3. For AirPhoto-related information, etc., without the written consent of AirPhoto, you shall not independently implement the following acts without permission, including but not limited to: use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reprint, compile, publish, reverse engineer, reverse assemble, reverse compile, establish mirror sites, and develop derivative products, works, services, plug-ins, add-ons, compatibility, interconnection, etc. related to AirPhoto without authorization.

12.4. You must not use AirPhoto to publish, transmit, spread, or store content that violates national laws, endangers national security, national unity, social stability, public order and good customs, or any inappropriate, insulting, defamatory, obscene, violent, or any content that violates national laws, regulations, and policies or infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of others such as intellectual property rights, trade secret rights, and privacy rights. Nor can you transmit or spread files containing images, photos, software, or other materials protected by intellectual property laws in other ways, unless the user owns or controls the corresponding rights or has obtained all necessary approvals.

12.5. You agree that all operational data of AirPhoto belongs to AirPhoto. Without the prior written consent of AirPhoto, you shall not save, back up, use, or authorize others to use the aforementioned operational data for any purpose without permission. After the natural termination or early termination of this agreement, you have no right to request a backup of the aforementioned operational data.

Article 13. Third-Party Applications/Websites

AirPhoto may allow you to link to other applications or websites. Such third-party applications/websites are not controlled by AirPhoto, and such links do not constitute AirPhoto's recognition of these other applications/websites or the services provided through them. This privacy statement does not cover the privacy and security practices of such third-party applications/websites linked to the application, and AirPhoto is not responsible for the privacy or security practices or content of such websites.

Article 14. Liability for Breach of Contract

14.1. You clearly understand and agree that if you violate relevant laws, regulations, rules, or provisions of this agreement and cause any losses to AirPhoto, receive claims from buyers or any third parties, or be punished by any administrative departments, you shall fully compensate AirPhoto, including reasonable attorney fees.

14.2. Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, if any party violates its statements, promises, guarantees, or obligations under this agreement and causes any litigation, disputes, claims, penalties, etc. to the other party, the breaching party shall be responsible for resolving it. If it causes any expenses, additional responsibilities, or economic losses to the other party, it shall be responsible for compensation. If one party commits a breach of contract, the observant party may require the breaching party to stop the breach within a specified time limit by written notice and require it to eliminate the impact. If the breaching party fails to stop the breach on time, the observant party has the right to immediately terminate this agreement.

Article 15. Termination and Transfer of the Agreement

15.1. The agreement will be terminated in any of the following circumstances:

15.1.1. Natural termination: If the "AirPhoto Terms of Use" signed by you online is terminated for any reason, this agreement will be terminated simultaneously;

15.1.2. Notice of termination: AirPhoto may notify you of the termination of this agreement by online announcement or telecommunications 15 days in advance without being liable for breach of contract;

15.1.3. Unilateral right of termination: In any of the following circumstances, AirPhoto has the right to immediately terminate this agreement and punish you according to relevant rules:

15.1.4. The occurrence or realization of other termination conditions specified in this agreement results in the termination of this agreement.

15.2. Regardless of the reason for the termination of this agreement, you must fully and independently bear any responsibility caused by your actions before the termination of the agreement. After the agreement is terminated, AirPhoto does not need to continue providing services;

15.3. AirPhoto has the right to transfer all rights and obligations under this agreement to a third party without your consent. At that time, AirPhoto will issue a transfer notice to you through page announcements and other means.

Article 16. Other Provisions

This agreement is governed by the laws of the mainland of the People's Republic of China. In case of disputes between AirPhoto and you regarding the signing, performance, or interpretation of this agreement, all parties shall make efforts to resolve them through friendly consultations. If the consultations fail, you agree that the people's court at the place where AirPhoto is located shall have jurisdiction over the disputes or controversies of all parties.